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Spices and herbs

Spices, indispensable for the food industry, but not without risk 

Natural pepper flavors

The use of spices brings certain risks. Scientific studies show these are often highly microbiologically and chemically contaminated. Quality is also variable due to changes in weather, price variations… Recently, even problems occur with allergen detection, probably due to cross reactivity with certain spices. As a consequence, assessing and controlling these risks demands a huge effort from the food industry.

Our partner Campus is developing a range of natural flavours which can replace conventional spices. At this moment, we can already propose natural pepper flavours (black pepper and white pepper), with advantages as follows:

  • Safe microbiological profile
  • Cost effective
  • Constant quality
  • European production
  • 1 on 1 replacement
  • Fine distribution in the final product

Contact us for more information about this or other products in our range

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